Changes between Version 38 and Version 39 of docs/CommissioningPlan

12/29/20 13:06:59 (4 years ago)

added Phase 4 in the beginning


  • docs/CommissioningPlan

    v38 v39  
    66The commissioning is broadly divided into three phases:
    7  **Phase 1**: We start from inspecting the boxes at LBT mountain bay, unpacking, and installing the instrument at the mountain lab for alignment verification and functionality checks. All of these are daytime activities.
     7 **Phase 1**: We start by inspecting the boxes at LBT mountain bay, unpacking, and installing the instrument at the mountain lab (clean room) for alignment verification and functionality checks. All of these are daytime activities. (Pre-commissioning)
    9  **Phase 2**: The activities starting from the installation of SHARK-NIR at the SX central bent Gregorian focus of LBT to the acquirement of the first nighttime telescope collimation model of the instrument form the Phase 2. Most of the activities are daytime. The only nighttime activity is to check the pointing, acquisition sequence, and getting the first nighttime telescope collimation model for SHARK-NIR.
     9 **Phase 2**: The activities starting from the installation of SHARK-NIR at the SX central bent Gregorian focus of LBT, followed by preliminary functional checks, aligning SHARK-NIR to the telescope (daytime), and daytime closed dome engineering/technical testing. All of these are daytime activities. (Installation & Closed dome testing)
    11  **Phase 3**: Phase 3 of the commissioning starts from sending preset to the telescope to testing individual SHARK-NIR observation modes for performance to the total SHARK-NIR performance. All the activities are nighttime. By the end of this phase, SHARK-NIR is ready for Science Verification.
     11 **Phase 3**: Phase 3 commences the nighttime commissioning, starting from sending preset to the telescope to testing individual SHARK-NIR observation modes for performance to the total SHARK-NIR performance. All the activities are nighttime. However, some daytime activities may be anticipated as well. By the end of this phase, SHARK-NIR is ready for early science observations.
    13 Note that the corresponding evolving doc in the SHARK-NIR Dropbox folder is **SHARK-NIR-INAFP-COM-001_CommissioningPlan.docx**. There is also an excel file listing the activities titled **SHARK-NIR-INAFP-COM-002_CommissioningActivityList.xlsx**.
     13 **Phase 4**: SHARK-NIR is ready for the final phase of the commissioning - the science verification / early science observations. The final form of the SHARK-NIR software, observing blocks, data-reduction pipeline, etc. will be tested. The final performance of the SHARK-NIR will be analyzed using the data from this run. All the activities are nighttime. By the end of this phase, SHARK-NIR is ready for regular science operations (with some 'risk' of course for another year).
     16Note that the corresponding evolving doc in the SHARK-NIR Dropbox folder is **SHARK-NIR-INAFP-COM-001_CommissioningPlan.docx**. There is also an excel file listing the activities titled **SHARK-NIR-INAFP-COM-002_CommissioningActivityList.xlsx** (BOTH NOT UPDATED).
    1518== Applicable Documents ==