Changes between Version 117 and Version 118 of docs/CommissioningPlan

01/25/21 12:52:30 (4 years ago)



  • docs/CommissioningPlan

    v117 v118  
    1111 **Phase 3**: Phase 3 commences the nighttime commissioning, starting from sending preset to the telescope to testing individual SHARK-NIR observation modes for performance to the total SHARK-NIR performance. All the activities are nighttime. However, some daytime activities may be anticipated as well. By the end of this phase, SHARK-NIR is ready for early science observations. [Commissioning]
    13  **Phase 4**: SHARK-NIR is ready for the final phase of the commissioning - the science verification / early science observations. The final form of the SHARK-NIR software, observing blocks, data-reduction pipeline, etc., will be tested for all the modes (and sub-modes) of the instrument. The final performance of the SHARK-NIR will be analyzed using the data from this run. All the activities are nighttime. By the end of this phase, SHARK-NIR is ready for regular science operations (with some 'risk,' of course, for another year). [Science Verification / Early Science]
     13 **Phase 4**: SHARK-NIR is ready for the final phase of the commissioning - the science verification / early science observations. The final form of the SHARK-NIR software, observing blocks, data-reduction pipeline, etc., will be tested for all the modes (and sub-modes) of the instrument. The final performance of the SHARK-NIR will be analyzed using the data from this run. All the activities are nighttime. By the end of this phase, SHARK-NIR is ready for 'shared-risk' science. [Science Verification / Early Science]
    4040Name of the commissioning activity
    4141  - phase : states the phase of the commissioning (1/2/3/4)
    42   - status : reports the current status of the test (draft, final, complete)
     42  - status : reports the current status of the test description (draft, final, complete)
    4343  - category : one of the categories mentioned above
    4444  - recurrence : describes how frequently the test must be executed
    7474== Commissioning Activity ==
    75 In this section, you can see all the commissioning activities listed in chronological order. If you click the individual activity, you can see more details of it. 8 hours is considered as the duration of day/night. Note that the durations mentioned in this document will not match with that of AD4 for the same activities.
     75In this section, you can see all the commissioning activities listed in chronological order. If you click the individual activity, you can see more details of it. 8 hours is considered as the duration of day/night. Of course, depending on the month of the year, we will modify the actual number of days required for that specific commissioning run. From experience at the LBT, for the daytime activities at the telescope platform, the telescope can be handed over around 9 am local time. And we need to hand it over back to the LBT ~2 hours before the sunset (unless we have the first half of the night Or full night). Note that the durations mentioned in this document will not match with that of AD4 for the same activities.
    7777=== Phase 1 (Pre-commissioning)===
    78 '''SHARK-NIR Location''': LBT mountain bay and clean room (Some of the activities may run in parallel). All daytime activities.
     78'''SHARK-NIR Location''': LBT mountain bay and clean room (Some of the activities may run in parallel). All daytime activities. In the cleanroom, usually, there are no restrictions on daytime or nighttime activity.
    7979||'''Number'''||'''Activity Name'''||'''Day / Night'''||'''Duration (days)'''||'''Category'''||'''LBTO Support'''||                     
    8080||P1.1||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/P1.1 Inspection of the boxes]||Day||0.5||C1||crane operator to lift and move containers/boxes (mountain bay), 1-2 crew to support moving||