== [[span(style=color: green, **SDC7 Spectral resolution** )]] == - **Phase** : 1 - **Status** : [[span(style=color: green, **COMPLETE** )]] - **Category** : Daytime calibration (C3) - **Recurrence** : once every month starting from commissioning. - **Duration** : 20 minutes (this duration is valid only during regular operations, i.e., after commissioning) **Description** - Measure the spectral resolution for the LSS observing mode. **Prerequisites** - Bad pixel map, Background frames **Procedure** - This calibration is performed illuminating the slit with the instrument spectral calibration lamps with known characteristics (5 emission lines). A background with lamps switched off is required. **Templates** - SHARKNIR_lss_mon_SpectraResolution **Success criteria** - Accuracy of MRS: 0.5 nm at 1.2 um, LRS: 2 nm at 1.2 um. **Notes** - Same as activity 9.4 in AD4 **LBTO support** **Date performed and by whom**