== [[span(style=color: green, **SDC1 Instrumental background for science** )]] == - **Phase** : 1 - **Status** : [[span(style=color: blue, **COMPLETE** )]] - **Category** : Daytime calibration (C3) - **Recurrence** : every day starting from commissioning. - **Duration** : 20 minutes (this duration is valid only during regular operations, i.e., after commissioning) **Description** - Take instrumental background for the same night setup with closed dome and instrument. Note that there are no lights for this testing. The purpose is to remove the instrumental background from science images. **Prerequisites** **Procedure** - Observe the instrumental background in the same setup of the night with all lights off and dome and instrument (shutter) closed. **Templates** - SHARKNIR_cal_InstrumentBackground (not released) **Success criteria** - Accuracy is better than 10%. **Notes** - Same as activity 7.7 in AD4 **LBTO support** **Date performed and by whom**