== P3.7 Checking field-stabilized mode/bearing rotation service == - **Phase** : 3 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Nighttime testing (functionality and operability) (C5) - **Recurrence** : once at commissioning - **Duration** : 2 hours **Description** - The field stabilized mode, or in other words, the working of the bearing tracking service, will be tested. **Prerequisites** - Atmospheric conditions: AO working conditions. - Authorize SHARK-NIR on the SX side. - Targets (star cluster) near zenith and horizon (say airmass of 2). **Procedure** - Select the target near airmass 2. There should be stars spread across the entire SCICAM, preferably close to the edges as well. - Start the bearing tracking services (field-stabilized mode). - Take short-exposure images for a duration of ##minutes. - Check the positions of these stars. - Repeat the same for the target close to the zenith. - Repeat the same steps for a target where the rotation of the bearing is in the opposite direction. **Templates** **Success criteria** - The bearing tracking service works well, and the field is stabilized within the precision needed. **Notes** **LBTO support** - AO support **Date performed and by whom**