== P3.4 PSF Alignment == - **Phase** : 3 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Nighttime testing (functionality and operability) (C5) + Nighttime calibration (C6) - **Recurrence** : before every observing target (CI, LSS), starting from commissioning. - **Duration** : 2 hours **Description** - Alignment of the PSF with occulter (or slit) in coronagraphic mode. **Prerequisites** - Bad pixel map, Background or Dark, Flat-field, detector RON **Procedure** The internal deformable mirror's position (TTM_DM) is optimized to have the PSF image on the intermediate focal plane centered with the occulter. We compare the PSF center, measured on the SCICAM, with the center of the occulter measured on the SCICAM using the calibration flat-field source. **Templates** - SHARKNIR_gen_tec_PSFAlignment **Success criteria** - delta between PSF center and occulter center < 0.2 pixels. **Notes** - Same as activity 8.3 in AD4 - 7 cases, 30 mins per case. **LBTO support** - AO support **Date performed and by whom**