== P3.2 SOUL-AO verification == - **Phase** : 3 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Nighttime testing (functionality and operability) (C5) + Nighttime testing for performance (C7) - **Recurrence** : after instrument installation at telescope platform - **Duration** : 6 hours **Description** - Proper working and tuning of the SOUL-AO parameters are verified. If minor adjustments are required, they are either implemented immediately or marked for later daytime work. Also, the SOUL AO performance is verified for various stars of different magnitudes. **Prerequisites** **Procedure** - AO verification procedure TBD - AO performance procedure TBD **Templates** - Tel_Target_Acq - SHARKNIR_gen_tec_ActiveOptics - SHARKNIR_gen_tec_PointingCorrection **Success criteria** - The SOUL-AO system is working in tandem with the SHARK-NIR system. - Acceptable improvement of the on-axis PSF for a given seeing and brightness of the star. **Notes** **LBTO support** - AO Support **Date performed and by whom**