== P3.19 Atmospheric calibration == - **Phase** : 3 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Nighttime testing (functionality and operability) (C5) + Nighttime calibration (C6) - **Recurrence** : once at commissioning and then for each LSS observation. Eventually, only once per night. - **Duration** : 2 hours **Description** - Atmospheric calibration to remove telluric atmospheric features from the stellar spectrum. If two or more targets are observed during the same night, running the calibration only once is ok if the observations share fairly similar values of airmass and humidity. **Prerequisites** - Authorize SHARK-NIR on the SX side. - Atmospheric conditions: AO working conditions. - Bad pixel map, Background or Dark, Flat-field, wavelength calibration. **Procedure** - Observe the spectrum of a featureless (standard) star at a similar airmass to that of the science target. **Templates** - SHARKNIR_lss_cal_RemoveTelluric **Success criteria** - Better than 10% for average residuals from telluric removal. **Notes** - Same as activity 7.4 in AD4 **LBTO support** - AO support **Date performed and by whom**