== [[span(style=color: green, **P3.18 Point the slit** )]]== - **Phase** : 3 - **Status** : [[span(style=color: green, **COMPLETE** )]][[span(style=color: blue, **, to be done for SLIT-2** )]] - **Category** : Nighttime testing (functionality and operability) (C5) - **Recurrence** : before every observing target (LSS), starting from commissioning - **Duration** : 8 hours **Description** - This activity will point the long slit at the (known) position angle of an off-axis source. **Prerequisites** - Atmospheric conditions: AO working conditions. - Authorize SHARK-NIR on the SX side. **Procedure** - Preset to a star with known companion (either a planet or a stellar companion) - Center the star behind the slit occulter - By moving the instrument derotator, point the slit at the nominal (known) position of the companion. **Templates** - SHARKNIR_gen_Preset? TBD **Success criteria** - Spectrum of the companion clearly distinguishable in raw data. It requires low star-to-planet contrast. - Direct imaging of the companion? **Notes** **LBTO support** - AO support **Date performed and by whom**