== [[span(style=color: green, **P2.9 Star center Fourier mode images** )]]== - **Phase** : 2 - **Status** : [[span(style=color: green, **COMPLETE** )]] - **Category** : Daytime testing (functionality and operability) (C3) - **Recurrence** : once after instrument installation at telescope platform - **Duration** : 1 day **Description** - This calibration is performed to calibrate the center of the target star (hidden by the coronagraph) to provide a reference input for frame derotation in post-processing. **Prerequisites** **Procedure** - Apply ASM Fourier modes to generate multiple satellite spots in the focal plane + AO closed-loop + coronagraph. - The required specifications are the presence of at least four satellite spots placed symmetrically to the star, at separation within 5 and 15 lambda/D, with FWHM < 45 mas and separation precision < 6 mas. - Find the centroids of the spots and fit a circle to them. The center of the circle is the extrapolated star position behind the coronagraph. - The detailed sequence of tests is described in [https://docs.google.com/document/d/18j3rBLl6Z4qZXMq1UN-AXKVImgvY4kB7F6lc0gne8m4/edit link] **Templates** **Success criteria** - Accuracy < 10 mas (goal 5 mas) - A report of the activity performed during daytime tests on 15, 20, and 21 of December 2022 using SHARK-NIR coupled with the M2 adaptive secondary mirror (ASM) of LBT can be found in this [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vnRdx8hAINpr0Wz2YMvTYQotcwfshbDo/edit link] - This activity was repeated on-sky during Com-2. You will find some details in the minutes of the run. **Notes** - Same as activity 7.8 in AD4 **LBTO support** - Authorize SHARK-NIR on the SX side. - AO support (Juan Carlos, Xianyu, Guido) **Date performed and by whom** November 21st, Luca, Elena, Daniele, Davide R., Jacopo