== P2.8 Checking pointing offset between SHARK-NIR and SOUL-AO== - **Phase** : 2 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Daytime testing (functionality and operability) (C3) + Daytime calibration (C4) - **Recurrence** : once at commissioning - **Duration** : 1 day **Description** - Test to check if there is a considerable pointing offset between the SHARK-NIR (SCICAM/TECCAM) and SOUL-AO as a function of the elevation of the telescope **Prerequisites** - RR is mounted on the SX side. **Procedure** - TBD **Templates** **Success criteria** - Estimate the pointing offset and conclude if it is acceptable or not. If not acceptable, take proper actions to overcome this issue. **Notes** **LBTO support** - Authorize SHARK-NIR on the SX side. - RR is mounted on the SX side. - AO support **Date performed and by whom**