Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of docs/CommissioningPlan/P2.7

09/28/22 09:29:06 (2 years ago)



  • docs/CommissioningPlan/P2.7

    v23 v24  
    2727   3. Check the PSF position at the SCICAM. Move the SOUL WFS stages to position the star of the SCICAM center. The stage positions should be the same (or very close) as the values after the alignment of SHARK-NIR to the telescope.
    2828   4. For the AO loop closed that produces the best PSF at the pin of the pyramid of the SOUL WFS, save the ASM shape. Keep that shape steady on ASM.
    29    5. Perform the phase diversity algorithm with flat ALPAO DM. The ASM introduces the defocus by moving the LGS WFS in the focal direction.
     29   5. Perform the phase diversity algorithm with ALPAO DM. The ASM introduces the defocus by moving the LGS WFS in the focal direction.
    3030   6. Ideally, contrast is the metric to be used to find the best NCPA shape for the ALPAO DM. However, since the contrast is directly related to the PSF optical quality at the coronagraphic focal plane, which is the same (or very close to the same) at the scientific focal plane, we will use the SCICAM PSF images to determine the aberrations and, therefore to find the best shape to apply on the ALPAO DM.
    3131   7. Only for Zenith angle, the following tests are also performed:
    3535  - Repeat all the steps above for the other seeing conditions.
    3636  - Repeat the same steps (except point 7) for the other four derotation angles.
    37 - Repeat the above steps for the other four elevations of the telescope.
     37- Repeat the above steps for the other eight elevations of the telescope (zenith to 40deg zenithal distance in every 5deg step).
    3838  - Note that point 3 above will provide the differential pointing offset measurements between SOUL and SHARK-NIR for the elevation derotation angle combination. This data will include the flexures of the RR as well, unfortunately.
    3939  - All the SOUL AO close loops, especially the one for Zenith, will provide the SOUL AO performance estimates.