| 32 | - SOUL AO performances are estimated for various brightness of the on-axis source. If it is possible to tune the brightness only for SOUL WFS, that is done. If not, the source's brightness is reduced by introducing ND filters in front of the Ocean Optics (for example). SOUL WFS parameters (binning, number of modes corrected, etc.) are accordingly selected. SCICAM images are taken in every configuration to estimate the correction quality. |
| 33 | - Instead of going for the best PSF at the pin of the pyramid of the SOUL WFS, we optimize the ASM shape to have the best optical quality at the SCICAM. This can be done by using the Trial & Error algorithm at the ASM and using images from SCICAM. Or, it can be done by converting the NCPA estimated using the PD algorithm and applying this at the ASM. |
| 34 | - Checking the other two NCPA estimation techniques within SHARK-NIR (keeping the ASM shape having the same best flat as in point 4 above): Trial & Error algorithm and the use of Wollaston + DBI lens. Ideally, all three estimations should give the same results within error limits. |
| 35 | - Repeat the same steps (except point 7) for the other four derotation angles. |
| 36 | - Repeat the above steps for the other 4 elevations of the telescope. |