== P2.6 Tip-Tilt internal fast loop test with ASM turbulence == - **Phase** : 2 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Daytime testing (functionality and operability) (C3) - **Recurrence** : after instrument installation at telescope platform - **Duration** : 1 day **Description** - To verify the SHARK-NIR internal fast tip-tilt loop (using CRED2 and SHARK-NIR ALPAO DM) using the ARGOS light source (only at zenith) for various seeing conditions (0.5", 0.8" [or larger, if possible]) simulated at the ASM. This test will verify if the correction of the fast tip-tilt loop is affected by the residual turbulence for star at different magnitudes. - Before or after the previous test, we will also perform a short test (about 30 mins long) to find the center of the field while derotating. **Prerequisites** - Knowledge of Argos light source magnitude and the possibility of tuning its brightness (more info pending from LBTO, jenny?). - For the SN team: know in advance how many minutes of data can be downloaded from CRED2 or the ring-buffer size. Confirm 10 mins are ok. **Procedure for the Tip-Tilt internal fast loop test** - Use ARGOS light source (to be used only at zenith) and direct light towards SHARK-NIR. - Close the SOUL AO loop to have the best ASM shape. Keep the ASM static with the best shape. Test A1. - Close the SHARK-NIR internal tip-tilt loop. - Take 10mins of data at the CRED2 (at loop frame rate) and SCICAM at 500 Hz. - Introduce 0.5" seeing at the ASM and close the loop at 500 hz. - Close the SHARK-NIR internal tip-tilt loop. Test A2. Repeat test A1 with 1000Hz. Test B1. - Take 10mins of data at the CRED2 and SCICAM. - Introduce 0.8" seeing at the ASM and close the loop. - Close the SHARK-NIR internal tip-tilt loop. - Take 10mins of data at the CRED2 and SCICAM. Test B2. Repeat test A1 with 1000Hz. Test C. - Repeat the above steps of test B for the differnet selected brightness of the Argos light source (TBC which magnitudes, noting that max brightness should be mag 9th in R band) **Procedure for finding the field center** - Use ARGOS light source (to be used only at zenith) and direct light towards SHARK-NIR. - Close the SOUL AO loop to have the best ASM shape. Keep the ASM static with the best shape. - Keep the SHARK-NIR internal tip-tilt loop OPEN. - Move the derotator in 10 degrees (TBD) step and take an image at each position. From the data taken, estimate the center of the field. **Templates** **Success criteria** - SHARK-NIR fast tip-tilt loop works efficiently within the requirements in all the seeing conditions. - The center of field estimated. **LBTO support** - Authorize SHARK-NIR - Permission to use SX-ASM and LBTI-AO - SOUL-LBTI AO support - AO support **Date performed and by whom** November 10th Luca, Daniele, Elena and remote support by Fulvio