== P2.6 Measurement of NCPA == • **Phase** : 2 • **Status** : Draft • **Category** : Daytime testing (functionality and operability) (C3) + Daytime calibration (C4) • **Recurrence** : after instrument installation at telescope platform • **Duration** : 5 days **Description** • Measure the Non-Common Path Aberrations (NCPA). **Prerequisites** • Use of the Argos swing arm / RR mounted on the SX side. SHARK-NIR aligned to telescope. * Phase-diversity algorithm is tested and working in simulation and using real-images from the SCICAM (at Padova). **Procedure** • Go to a specific elevation of the telescope. * Close the AO loop to produce the best PSF at the pin of the pyramid of the SOUL WFS. KEep that shape steady on ASM. * Now, optimize the PSF shape on the SCICAM using the trial & error algorithm. The ALPAO-DM on the SHARK-NIR Bench is used to apply different modes. [Currently, this is the baseline approach]. • For the same elevation, keeping the same ASM shape as before and the same source, perform the phase-diversity test (with flat ALPAO-DM) making use of the Wollaston prism and dual-band imager lens configuration. Apply the obtained NCPA on the ALPAO DM within SHARK. Take SCICAM images to see the improvement. [In case the NCPA produced by the baseline approach is not stable enough for a longer period and/or if more correction seems necessary for high contrast, we will be implementing this approach (for which we will be using the star itself as the source during nighttime)]. • Note that in the above two cases, the optical path contains the same optics (except for the Wollaston and DBI lens) including the dichroic and IN_TT of the deployable arm. * Repeat these measurements for the decided discreet zenith angles (or elevation of the telescope), SHARK-NIR DROT angle (fixed), and star (source) brightness. **Success criteria** • NCPA estimated and applied on the ALPAO-DM. • Satisfactory PSF quality with closed-loop. * The total residual after NCPA correction should be <30nm. **Notes** • See activity 8.1 in AD4 for more details. **LBTO support** * Authorize SHARK-NIR on the SX side. * Permission to use the Argos Swing Arm. * When not using the Argos swing arm and for different elevation angle tests, RR will be required on the SX side. * AO support. **Associated SHARK-NIR personnel** **Date performed and by whom** **Comments**