== P2.5 SOUL AO system test == - **Phase** : 2 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Daytime testing (functionality and operability) (C3) + Daytime calibration (C4) - **Recurrence** : after instrument installation at telescope platform - **Duration** : 5 days **Description** - Proper working of the SOUL AO system is essential for the performance of the SHARK-NIR instrument. Arcetri team optimizes the SOUL AO system grabbing the PSF image from the SHARK-NIR SCICAM. The on-axis light source could be the Argos swing arm calibration light source, or one mounted on RR may be used (second choice only). **Prerequisites** - SHARK-NIR is active and working normally. - Cryostat cold and SCICAM working properly. - Activity [wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/P1.12 P1.12] success criteria met. - Telescope pointed to Zenith and permission to use the Argos swing arm calibration unit. **Procedure** - AO optimization procedure comes here **Templates** **Success criteria** - SOUL AO system is working in tandem with the SHARK-NIR system. - Acceptable improvement of the on-axis PSF (Argos Swing arm calibration light source) while SOUL AO is closed with known disturbances. - If necessary, get a new and improved daytime telescope model for SHARK-NIR. **Notes** **LBTO support** - Authorize SHARK-NIR on the SX side. - Authorize mode to use the Argos Swing Arm. RR will be required on the SX side, if not the Argos swing arm. - AO support. **Date performed and by whom**