== [[span(style=color: green, **P1.8 Complete system functional verification, filter artifacts/defects verification, NCPA measurement, and internal tip-tilt loop verification** )]] == - **Phase** : 1 - **Status** : [[span(style=color: green, **COMPLETE** )]] - **Category** : Unpack, Assemble, and Verification (C1) - **Recurrence** : once - **Duration** : 1.5 days **Description** - Checking the working of motors and light sources within SHARK-NIR using optical feedback. Finding the filter defects/artifacts using an internal calibration source (flat-field) within the instrument. Measure the NCPA internal to the SHARK-NIR and correct using the ALPAO-DM. Check the working of the internal tip-tilt loop using calibration unit light sources, C-RED2, and ALPAO-DM. **Prerequisites** - SHARK-NIR is connected to the LBT network. - Electronics racks on. - DM best shape uploaded (shape minimizing internal aberrations) - The cryostat should be running and cooled down. - P1.7 should be completed. **Procedure** - When the services are up and running, after the motors are sent to home positions, each of the individual motors is individually tested for their different named/nominal positions. - The light sources within SHARK-NIR are used simultaneously to check the working of the motors by looking at the optical feedback. - Check the CRED-2 and ALPAO-DM SW using optical feedback. - Take the images of all the filters using the internal calibration source (flat-field) within the instrument to locate/find out the filter defects/artifacts, if any. You may take short- and long exposures to get better contrast of the features if required. - Check the filter wheel position monitoring script detailed in [wiki:/docs/Commissioning/SNM1 SNM1]. Save the data in the repository. - Run the Phase-diversity routine using the images taken with the SHARK-NIR internal calibration sources to measure the NCPA within (excluding the deployable arm). - Run the internal tip-tilt loop routine for a defined (or set of) brightness of the source (star). - Check its efficiency in keeping the PSF at the C-RED2 hot-pixel. - Save data to the repository and analyze them. **Templates** - SHARKNIR_di_mon_MaskRepeatability - SHARKNIR_di_cal_NCPA_PD (Phase Diversity approach) - SHARKNIR_di_cal_NCPA_trial (Trial & Error approach) - SHARKNIR_gen_tec_CloseLoop - SHARKNIR_gen_tec_OpenLoop **Success criteria** - All the motors can reach the named positions / nominal positions. - All the light sources are working and confirmed through optical feedback at the SCICAM. - Filter wheel position monitoring script is run successfully and data is saved in the repository. - CRED-2 AND ALPAO-DM working normally. - All the filter images are saved. - Internal NCPA is measured and the PSF shows improvement in its quality after the NCPA correction using the ALPAO DM. - Internal tip-tilt routine works fine and the PSF at the C-RED2 is stable within the required precision. - All the data and analysis are saved in the repository - [[span(style=color: green, **Completed. The data can be found in this **)]] [https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1Zbq56b6NPvBcq20-sF-qxm4yA4SXdXiF link]. **Notes** **LBTO support** - Liquid Nitrogen refill is required in the cleanroom. **Date performed and by whom** Elena, Luca