== [[span(style=color: green, **P1.6 SCICAM refocussing** )]] == - **Phase** : 1 - **Status** : [[span(style=color: green, **COMPLETE** )]] - **Category** : Unpack, Assemble, and Verification (C1) - **Recurrence** : once - **Duration** : 1.5 day **Description** - The SCICAM of the SHARK-NIR is believed to be not in-focus position. The detector team at Steward Observatory will have the cryostat at an early stage (prior to SHARK-NIR arriving at LBT) to look into several aspects including the focussing issue. Depending on the outcome of this intervention, refocussing of the cryostat is anticipated. **Prerequisites** - SHARK-NIR is connected to the LBT network. - Electronics cabinets on. - Steward Observatory Detector Team has completed the work and the information is passed on to the SHARK-NIR team. - Cryostat cooled down. **Procedure** - Mount the cryostat to the SHARK-NIR optical bench. - Use several shims one after the other to take images at the detector. - Using the through-focus images, find the right shim to have the detector at the focus position. - Make the shim of the right dimensions. - Use this shim, and mount the cryostat to the SHARK-NIR optical bench. - Verify that the final configuration produces focused images. **Templates** **Success criteria** - SCICAM is focused. **Notes** **LBTO support** - Support to use of the workshop at LBT. **Date performed and by whom**