== P1.6 Cryostat cool down == - **Phase** : 1 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Unpack, Assemble, and Verification (C1) - **Recurrence** : once - **Duration** : 1 day **Description** - Cooldown the cryostat. **Prerequisites** - SHARK-NIR connected to LBT network. - Electronics cabinets on. - Needs vacuum pumping at the beginning (vacuum pressure of 10e-5 Torr is good (see the cryostat manual SHARK-NIR_SO-MAN-001)). **Procedure** - Start the cryostat cooling down sequence (see the cryostat manual SHARK-NIR_SO-MAN-001). - Check how the system performance every 30 minutes. **Templates** **Success criteria** - Cryostat cooled down without any issues. - The temperature at the detector is stable at ~78K. **Notes** - This activity can run in parallel with other cleanroom activities (which do not need a cold detector). **LBTO support** - Liquid Nitrogen refill is required in the cleanroom. - Vacuum pump and support for cooling down the cryostat. **Date performed and by whom**