== P1.4 Cable in the instrument, power on, install workstations, and connect to LBT network == - **Phase** : 1 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Unpack, Assemble, and Verification (C1) - **Recurrence** : once - **Duration** : 1 day **Description** - At the LBT clean room, cable in the instrument. Power on the electronics, install workstations and connect SHARK-NIR to the LBT network. **Prerequisites** - All the necessary tools and safety features to do the cabling. A free and accessible network port to connect SHARK-NIR to the LBT network. **Procedure** - Carefully cable in SHARK-NIR. - Switch on the electronics. - Install the instrument workstation (and its copy/backup) and the scientific camera (SCICAM) workstation in the server room. - Connect SHARK-NIR to the LBT network. - Ready essential laptops ready with all the relevant software for the cleanroom activity. Check the connection with both the workstations mentioned earlier. **Templates** **Success criteria** - Electronics is powered on (working of led lights, fans, etc.). - SHARK-NIR can be accessed through the LBT network (e.g. Switching on/off services remotely from the control room). **Notes** - SCICAM is redundant with other SCICam computers inside of LBTI. There will not be a separate SCICAM workstation copy/backup. **LBTO support** - IT support to install/set the workstations in the proper location, connect to the LBT network. - LBTO SW support may be needed. **Date performed and by whom**