== P1.3 Installation of SHARK-NIR HW and electronics in clean room == - **Phase** : 1 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Unpack, Assemble, and Verification (C1) - **Recurrence** : once - **Duration** : 1.5 day **Description** - Install and integrate the different SHARK-NIR opto-mechanical components onto the mechanical structure. Install the electronics cabinets. Move the unit to the cleanroom. **Prerequisites** - All the necessary tools and safety features to do the installation, integration, and moving to the cleanroom. The mechanical structure to hold SHARK-NIR at the cleanroom should be assembled and ready to be used (with the possibility to move to the cleanroom). **Procedure** - Carefully integrate the cryostat unit with the derotator-optical bench unit. - Before installing the motor electronics rack in the cleanroom, take it to the LBT Platform cabinet (its final destination) shared with iLocater for sanity checks. - Set up the electronics racks. **Templates** **Success criteria** - The SHARK-NIR is primarily assembled onto the mechanical structure. - Electronics racks are set up and ready to use. **Notes** **LBTO support** - Crane operator to lift and move stuff (mountain bay and/or cleanroom). - 1-2 crew to support installation procedure (mountain bay and/or cleanroom). - Access to the LBTO electronics cabinet where the motor rack of SHARK-NIR will be installed. - Optical bench and access to the clean tent. **Date performed and by whom**