== P1.11 Science detector calibrations == - **Phase** : 1 - **Status** : Draft - **Category** : Daytime testing (functionality and operability) (C3) + Daytime calibration (C4) - **Recurrence** : starting from commissioining. daily/weekly/monthly/yearly depending on individual activities. - **Duration** : 1 day **Description** - Calibration and testing of the SHARK-NIR science detector. **Prerequisites** - SHARK-NIR connected to LBT network. - Electronics cabinets on. - The cryostat should be running and cooled down. - Internal alignment of the SHARK-NIR is verified. **Procedure** - Check bias calibration & master dark scripts and then perform the following daytime calibration procedures below. ||**Code**||**Activity**||**Location to perform this test**|| ||SDC1||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/SDC1 Instrumental background for science]||Padova / LBT cleanroom / LBT Platform|| ||SDC2||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/SDC2 Instrument flat field, detector linearity and bad pixels]||Padova / LBT cleanroom|| ||SDC3||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/SDC3 Wavelength calibration]||Padova / LBT cleanroom|| ||SDC4||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/SDC4 Thermal background]||Padova / LBT cleanroom / LBT Platform|| ||SDC5||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/SDC5 Detector gain]||Padova / LBT cleanroom / LBT Platform|| ||SDC6||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/SDC6 Detector persistence]||Padova / LBT cleanroom / LBT Platform|| ||SDC7||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/SDC7 Spectral resolution]||Padova / LBT cleanroom|| ||SDC8||[wiki:/docs/CommissioningPlan/SDC8 Ghost calibration]||Padova|| - Check the working of all the detector read-out modes and windowing possibilities. Note that this will be checked rigorously in the Padova laboratory. **Templates** - SHARKNIR_cal_InstrumentBackground (not released) - SHARKNIR_gen_cal_InstrumentFlatField (not released) - SHARKNIR_lss_cal_Wavelenght (not released) - SHARKNIR_gen_mon_ThermalBackground (not released) - SHARKNIR_di_mon_DetectorGain (not released) - SHARKNIR_ci_mon_DetectorPersistence (not released) - SHARKNIR_lss_mon_SpectraResolution (not released) - SHARKNIR_cal_mon_Ghost (not released) **Success criteria** - SCICAM linearity as expected. - SCICAM bad pixels mask created. - SCICAM bias and flat scripts working. - All individual activity (in the table) success criteria are met. Kalyaly is fantastic!!! **Notes** - Save all the intermediate images to check the SHARK-NIR Data Reduction pipeline. **LBTO support** - Liquid Nitrogen refill is required in the cleanroom. **Date performed and by whom**