Custom Query (4 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Cc | Status | Owner | Type | Priority |
#28 | Telemetria | vviotto, jfarinato, dvassall, elcarolo, kradhakrishnan, dricci | new | mdepasca | task | major |
#33 | DM continuously receiving commands to avoid memory effect | lmarafatto, fbiondi, dvassall, kradhakrishnan, vviotto | accepted | mdepasca | task | major |
#38 | Prepare componente per controllo tiptilt | lmarafatto, mbergomi, kradhakrishnan | accepted | mdepasca | task | major |
#54 | Create repository with all real filter curves to be used in pipeline | vdorazi, dvassall, elcarolo, kradhakrishnan, lmarafatto, vviotto | new | dmesa | task | major |
Note: See TracQuery
for help on using queries.